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Help for Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees

What is Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees?

How to start working with Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees?

What IS supported?

What IS NOT supported?


Uploading Photos


What is Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees?

Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees is an initiative to collect as many Giant Schnauzer pedigrees and data as possible to give a good view of the breed, show developments in the breed, and help breeders planning their litters and owners discovering the ancestors of their beloved pets.

How to start working with Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees?

You best start working with Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees by browsing the content offered. The important data on Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees is data about our Giant Schnauzers. You can see the pedigree and detail information for each dog, but you can also find information about the owners or the breeders of the dogs.

You can start by either:

If you would like to actively contribute to Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees by adding or updating your own dogs or other Giant Schnauzers you have to register with Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees. You can do so by clicking onto the "Login"-link at the top right and choose "Create an Account" on the Login screen.

What IS supported?

Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees is focused on dogs, their pedigrees and detail information. To be able to get in touch with breeders or owners of dogs, we also offer some management of breeders and owners.

For all users (including anonymous users) we offer the possibilities

For registered users we offer

What IS NOT supported?

There's no kennel management provided by Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees. The kennel information is only stored as simple value in a dog's record. On the dog's update page you can choose from the existing list of kennels (in the textfield type the first letters and you will receive a list to choose from - be patient this may take a while depending on bandwidth and database size) or type in a new kennel name.

Adding a new (not yet stored in Giant Schnauzer Pedigrees) sire or dam to a particular dog from the update screen is not possible; there you can only choose from existing sires and dams. Go to the details page of your dog instead and click onto the "Add Dog"-link there to add a new sire or dam.
Also note, that for choosing an existing sire or dam you have to enter the first three letters of the sire's or dam's registered name whereupon you will receive all sires/dams in the database starting with these letters. Please be aware that retrieving these lists can take some time depending on bandwidth and databasesize. We therefore encourage you to use the "Add Dog"-links on the pedigree of your particular dog.

Uploading Photos

NOTE: Uploading photos requires the use of javascript. This may be blocked by the use of any popup blockers.

To upload a photo you need to first be on the page to update dog information. On that page you will see off to the left side of page the following:

Click on "AddPhoto". This will bring up a new window that is utilizing a javascript. This looks like this:

On this popup you will select either "url" which you then enter the full url of the photo or you can select "Local File" and click "browse" button. Select the picture off of your computer. Then make sure you click the check box to indicate you are authorized to upload this photo (red arrow in picture). and click "Submit"

Photo should appear under the "add photo" button upon success with any copyright, posted by and other notes.